start your careeras one of our Friends
We appreciate working across industries of varying specialties, so we like people who think big, have imagination, and are at ease to meet the impossible.

why you shouldwork with us?
We’re not corporate and never intend to be. It helps a lot when things have their logic and order, but we don’t want to take it too far. We value open and direct communication, and hope it shines through our actions.
We like the people we work with. As a team, we take care to create a good flow and a harmonious balance with one another. And we know that it shows externally too, as many of the brands that teamed up with us return time and again exactly because of that.
We usually develop projects from scratch, and more often than not, over a longer and sustained period of time. This way everyone involved can really contribute and work directly with the stakeholders. In respect to projects, we always try to go for the most efficient route possible.
It’s happened that people have started with us in one role and in a short time progressed to yet another. We never know how people might grow when they take on new responsibilities, but it’s always enjoyable to walk along this path together.

think big
Think big is not just a phrase. It’s a new beginning of innovation. We embrace the idea of endless possibility, so we think even bigger.
our perks
Almost everybody now offers sports cards and other such perks, so we won’t go into that - simply ask us if we have it. Instead, have a look at what will make going to work every day exciting and ultimately put a smile on your face!